Friday, March 14, 2025
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The Shojaei artwork displayed here is currently for sale through Doubletake Gallery
There is 1 piece for sale. Click on the image to see the details.
Doubletake Gallery Available Artwork
Artist's Biography - Issa Shojaei
Issa Shojaei
Born in 1955 in Azerbaigan, Issa Shojaei was educated at the Tehran Institute of Fine Art from 1977 to 1981, and continued his studies at the Mensch Und Raum Institutes in Bochum, as well as the study of abstraction in Cologne, Germany from 1984 to 1987. During his travels, Issa exhibited extensively throughout Europe and Turkey. He now lives and works in Toronto, Canada.

In the classic tradition of the Fauve painters of the early twentieth century, Shojaei achieves a haunting sensitivity in his portraits of enigmatic young women. His instinct for primal moods and, perhaps, the overt tension of form and color to translate persona, provides the emotional affair that takes place between the viewer and the figure. The Shojaei woman is the clandestine female, the arcane seductress, the essential woman engaged in a cultural awakening of her own being. In her awkward gracefulness, she is confident; in her covert silence, she is mysterious.

Selected Exhibitions:

ArtExpo, New York, New York
ArtExpo, Los Angeles, CA
ArtExpo, New York, New York
ArtExpo, Los Angelos, CA
Tresors Int'l Fine Art Fair, Singapore
ArtExpo, New York, New York
ArtExpo, Los Angeles, CA
Tresors Int'l Fine Art Fair, Singapore
Tresors Int'l Fine Art Fair, Singapore
Philadelphia ARt Show, PA
ArtExpo, Las Vegas, Nevada
ArtExpo, New York, New York
Philadelphia Art Show, PA
ArtExpo, Las Vegas, Nevada
ArtEXpo, New York, New York
Aqua Gallery, Toronto, Can.
Soho Open Studio, Toronto, Can.
Grapheteria Gallery, Toronto, Can.
Studio 25, Toronto, Can.
Grapheteria Gallery, Toronto, Can.

Selected Collections:

United States
New Zealand
South Africa
Doubletake Gallery
2400 N. 2nd Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411
(952) 224-8333
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