In /vweb/doubletakeart/pgms/BP/_DTG.AV.PAGE at line 271 1:new block's offset is over the limit error in U_get_dest_block for file 'LIST_CONTROL', key '', number=640 In /vweb/doubletakeart/pgms/BP/_DTG.AV.PAGE at line 271 1:new block's offset is over the limit error in write_record for file 'LIST_CONTROL', key '', number=640 In /vweb/doubletakeart/pgms/BP/_DTG.AV.PAGE at line 271 1:new block's offset is over the limit error in U_add_record for file 'LIST_CONTROL', key '20852811383149231125', number=10502144 In /vweb/doubletakeart/pgms/BP/_DTG.AV.PAGE at line 271 1:new block's offset is over the limit error in add_to_group for file 'LIST_CONTROL', key '20852811383149231125', number=640 In /vweb/doubletakeart/pgms/BP/_DTG.AV.PAGE at line 271 1:new block's offset is over the limit error in U_append_strtuple for file 'LIST_CONTROL', key '20852811383149231125', number=640 In /vweb/doubletakeart/pgms/BP/_DTG.AV.PAGE at line 271 Fatal error: WRITE error