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Expanded Exposure
Every Inventory Item is now posted to a Secondary Art Market web page used by hundreds of gallery owners and professional art dealers. With the addition of this new feature, the exposure of your artwork is magnified throughout the entire art industry, greatly increasing the chance of finding a buyer. This service is offered at no additional cost or obligation.

Tracking Info
Ad Tracking is now available through our Member Services area. You'll be able to see how many people have looked at your artwork via our web site, anytime that you want to, 24 hours a day! Members can also submit information about other artwork that they own, edit their Member profile, manage their own Personal Gallery of favorite artwork, and much more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Doubletake Gallery

How to Sell
How to Sell Your Artwork Using Consignment
First of all, we ask that you only consider sending your artwork to us for consignment if you are not currently displaying it. If you're still enjoying the art, click on the Using Classifieds Ads link above.

Before you send a work of art to Doubletake Gallery, either send us an Email, call us at (952) 224-8333, or send us a fax at (952) 224-8337 with the details about the pieces you want to consign. We have strict standards about the artwork that we accept. If you call first, we can talk about the works you own and give you an idea about their approximate worth and what you can expect to receive for them.

After we've agreed to receive your artwork for consignment, you'll need to pack it for shipping. We'll send you instructions that will explain how to do that safely. Once we've received your artwork, we'll inspect its condition to determine if any steps need to be taken to bring the piece up to sellable standards. Many older prints have minor (or sometimes major) imperfections that, over the years, have resulted from a number of causes. You'll be kept informed of what we find and no action will be taken to repair or restore a piece without your expressed permission.

After the initial inspection is complete, we call you to discuss the value of the piece on the current art market and compare that price with your expectations. Our fee structure is then worked out on an individual basis. We find it easier to be flexible with our service fees rather than trying to conform to some rigid guidelines. After all, we don't want to bring the selling of your fine artwork to the level of a commodity transaction.

You'll be issued a check after the artwork has been sold and the buyer has received the piece in good condition. Since all pricing agreements are worked out with you in advance, the check you receive will never be less than you expected. With luck, it will be for more.

You retain full ownership of the artwork while it's on consignment with us and thus have every right to change your mind and decide not to sell it. If that happens, we ask that you give us two (2) weeks notice before returning it. We may have already committed the piece to a sale, in which case we would just be waiting for the new buyer to receive the piece and approve its condition. If that were the case, it would be too late for you to change your mind.

If you have any other questions about consigning with Doubletake Gallery, please don't hesitate to call or email.

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