Classified Ads on Doubletake Gallery are artwork pieces that are still in the possession of the seller. Most other Internet classified ad services require the seller to ship directly to the buyer. Not us. When you order something that's advertised as a classified ad, we have the seller ship the piece to us. We carefully inspect the condition of the piece and verify the authenticity before shipping the piece to you. If we find any wrong with the piece, we don't ship it to you.
When you order, you'll be asked to submit payment for the piece (plus shipping), which we hold until we receive the artwork from the seller and do our inspection. Once we're satisfied that the artwork is what you're looking for, we ship it to you. When you receive the artwork, you have 2 days to approve the condition of the piece. If you're not happy with the condition of the artwork after you receive it, we'll take it back and give you a choice between a replacement piece or returning your full purchase price. Only after you've approved the condition of the piece, do we transfer the payment to the seller. Both parties are protected right through to the conclusion of the transaction. Our job isn't done until you say it is.